Channel: SQL Server Replication forum
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Server Database Not Listed as Valid Replication-enabled Database

I have installed SQL 2008 R2 on a Windows 2008 Server.  I have replication setup on Windows 2003 Server with SQL 2008 R2 installed.  The issue that I am having is on the Windows 2003 Server when I go to setup the new subscription for the new Server I am not seeing any Databases listed.  Why would the new server's databases not be listed as a valid replication-enabled databases.  Now I have other Server's setup that are replicating to the Windows 2003 Server with no issues.  Yes, they are both 2003 & 2008 systems.  Any suggestions on what could be causing this issue?  Why the Databases are not showing when trying to create a new Subscription?  Thank You

Kathy Wall

replication error in SQL SERVER 2008



we got the following error

The distribution agent failed to create temporary files in 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\COM' directory. System returned errorcode 5. (Source: MSSQL_REPL, Error number: MSSQL_REPL21100)
Get help: http://help/MSSQL_REPL21100

by looking at http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx/kb/956032, which suggest the issue is related to "Distribution Profile for OLEDB streaming" profile, but in our case, we use default profile for distribution agent.

after we reinitailized subscription, the issue was solved, but it came back after a while.

any input will be appreciated

our environment: windows server 2008 enterprise sp1 sql server 2008 64bit enterpise sp1

MS SQL replication pre-requisites document


Hello All

 could you please confirm for ms sql transactional replication is it required the active domain(AD)  ?

sql server instalation


Hi guys..

waht are instalation differences in ms sql server 2005 and 2008?

i am no asking features.



exchange type 1 issues



We have sql server 208 RTM with merge replication setup

i have setup one way replication in merge replication using exchangetype parameter set to 1.

Subscription expiration is set to 14 days.

everything runs fine, after 14 days i am seeing below error. any suggestions? Thanks in advance

Error messages:

The Merge Agent failed after detecting that retention-based metadata cleanup has deleted metadata at the Publisher for changes not yet sent to the Subscriber. You must reinitialize the subscription (without upload).  (Source: MSSQL_REPL, Error number: MSSQL_REPL-2147199402) Get help: http://help/MSSQL_REPL-2147199402

SQL Replication errors


having some issues getting SQL replication off the ground - seem to work in our test environment, but we are getting some errors in production which leads to killing replication.


Event Type:Error

Event Source:     MSSQLSERVER

Event Category:   Server

Event ID:   14151

Date:       8/29/2010

Time:       11:18:49 AM

User:       domain\xxxxxx

Computer:   SQL0001


Replication-Replication Distribution Subsystem: agent XXXXXXXX-cqrswin-CQRSWIN-CIS-LIVE-XXXXXXXXDR-17 failed. The distribution agent failed to create temporary files in 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\COM' directory. System returned errorcode 5.


For more information, see Help and Support Center at http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/events.asp.


0000: 47 37 00 00 12 00 00 00   G7......

0008: 09 00 00 00 43 00 41 00   ....xx.

0010: 57 00 49 00 4e 00 41 00   xxxx.

0018: 31 00 38 00 00 00 0d 00   xx.....

0020: 00 00 64 00 69 00 73 00   ..d.i.s.

0028: 74 00 72 00 69 00 62 00   t.r.i.b.

0030: 75 00 74 00 69 00 6f 00   u.t.i.o.

0038: 6e 00 00 00              n...    


some content redacted for security

any ideas?

How to modify column in a table with replication?


Dear all

I have a problem about replication, so I want to modify some columns in a table, but my database using replicate. How to do it?

Please solution.


PC Kaveesin.

articles not getting generated during the snapshot phase of transaction replication.


I have a transaction publication with over 8000 articles in it with a pull subscription.  After I create the new publication and then add the 8000 tables, I start the snapshot agent and it completes without errors.  I noticed that during the data load that serveral tables are missing on the subscriber.  I checked the snapshot repldata folder and also notices that these tables also do have a schema generated during the snapshot creation process.

Can someone tell me why this is happening?

Cross Forest Transactional Replication with using FTP?



Hopefully someone could help clarify if this is possible as search has returned similar questions but not exactly what im after.

I have the following -

SQLServerA.domain1.com (Publisher and Distributor)

Publisher Connection using a SQL account "SQLReplication"

Log Reader and Snapshot running as SQL Server Agent Account

SQLServerB.domain2.com (Subscriber)

Publisher Connection using a SQL account "SQLReplication"

Log Reader and Snapshot running as SQL Server Agent Account

There is no trust between domain1.com and domain2.com however there are DNS forwarders configured.  I understand that the Subscriber cannot connect to a Publisher by a name other than the one returned by @@SERVERNAME so I have aliased it on the subscriber.

I have created the Publication (also changing the snapshot folder to be a share eg \\SQLServerA.domain1.com\repldata) and Subscription without error in the process.  

The problem comes up when I try to run the Subscription job (to do its first initialization) that it cant connect.  I have even tried granting Everyone Share and Security permissions on the snapshot folder (as a test),  and it still failed (I expected this to resolve the issue).

Anyone any ideas or can I ONLY use FTP?


I'm in the publication DB and using sp_publication_validation; only one publication gives me "Command(s) completed successfully". Why?



I am able to validate 3 of my 4 new publications but when I execute the sp_publication_Validation stored procedure for the 4th one, I don't see any rowcounts, just: "Command(s) completed successfully".  Does anyone know what can cause this? The replication on this publication is "working".


Replication in MS SQL


To implement Replication in MS SQL.

Do we have any limitation like the two SQL servers or instance has to be in the AD Active Directory??

Please help>


configure distribusion


Dear Experts

Iam having problem that I  can't find any option on Ruplication mneu , by name of Configure distribution , can anyone plz suggest me ???



Merge Replication: The merge process could not retrieve column information for table 'dbo.Age'. Verify that you have sufficient privileges on the database and retry the operation. (Source: MSSQL_REPL, Error number: MSSQL_REPL-2147201016)


I am setting merge replication over untrusted domains. Thesnapshot agent succeeded and the the merge agent as well when first create the subscription
It seems everything is going well, the subscription table now look the same as the published table and even if it had differences in the data before. But the problem comes when updated and record and the merge agent tries to synchronize. Kindly see the error below ,

The merge process could not retrieve column information for table 'dbo.Age'. Verify that you have sufficient privileges on the database and retry the operation. (Source: MSSQL_REPL, Error number: MSSQL_REPL-2147201016)

Could not find stored procedure 'dbo.MSmerge_sel_sp_C60458B6A7FA43462DB27C5C9D7B4F8A'. (Source: MSSQLServer, Error number: 2812)

1) I tried to re-initialize the subscriber

2) I tried to run the snapshot agent again but same thing happens as I described above.

3) I tried to set the agent profile of the Merge agent to Slow link agent profile.

4) I didn't change anything on the table after setting the replication.

5) I'm not using filters

6) I logged the Error of the Merge agent you can see the output below.

2013-03-12 18:22:34.731 Microsoft SQL Server Merge Agent 10.50.1600.1
2013-03-12 18:22:34.731 Copyright (c) 2008 Microsoft Corporation
2013-03-12 18:22:34.731 Microsoft SQL Server Replication Agent: replmerg
2013-03-12 18:22:34.731 
2013-03-12 18:22:34.731 The timestamps prepended to the output lines are expressed in terms of UTC time.
2013-03-12 18:22:34.731 User-specified agent parameter values:
-Publisher xxxxxxxxxxx
-PublisherDB PubDB
-Publication Pub
-Subscriber yyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
-SubscriberDB SubDB
-Distributor xxxxxxxxxxx
-DistributorSecurityMode 1
-Output c:\temp\MergeAgent.out
-XJOBID 0x2E51A08BFA488F498E56F300BF90C3C3
-XJOBNAME xxxxxxxxxxx-PubDB-Pub-yyyyyyyyyyyyyyy-1
-XSERVER xxxxxxxxxxx
-XCancelEventHandle 0000000000000970
-XParentProcessHandle 000000000000095C
2013-03-12 18:22:34.731 Percent Complete: 0
2013-03-12 18:22:34.731 Connecting to Distributor 'xxxxxxxxxxx'
2013-03-12 18:22:34.731 Connecting to OLE DB Distributor at datasource: 'xxxxxxxxxxx', location: '', catalog: '', providerstring: '' using provider 'SQLNCLI10'
2013-03-12 18:22:34.763 OLE DB Distributor: xxxxxxxxxxx
DBMS: Microsoft SQL Server
Version: 10.50.1600
catalog name: 
user name: dbo
API conformance: 0
SQL conformance: 0
transaction capable: 1
read only: F
identifier quote char: "
non_nullable_columns: 0
owner usage: 15
max table name len: 128
max column name len: 128
need long data len: 
max columns in table: 1000
max columns in index: 16
max char literal len: 131072
max statement len: 131072
max row size: 131072
2013-03-12 18:22:34.763 OLE DB Distributor 'xxxxxxxxxxx': {call sp_MSgetversion }
2013-03-12 18:22:34.763 OLE DB Distributor 'xxxxxxxxxxx': {call sp_helpdistpublisher (N'xxxxxxxxxxx') }
2013-03-12 18:22:34.763 OLE DB Distributor 'xxxxxxxxxxx': {call sp_MShelp_repl_agent (N'xxxxxxxxxxx', N'PubDB', N'Pub', N'yyyyyyyyyyyyyyy', N'SubDB', 1)}
2013-03-12 18:22:34.778 OLE DB Distributor 'xxxxxxxxxxx': select datasource, srvid from master..sysservers where upper(srvname) = upper(N'xxxxxxxxxxx')
2013-03-12 18:22:34.778 OLE DB Distributor 'xxxxxxxxxxx': {call sp_MShelp_merge_agentid (0,N'PubDB',N'Pub',null,N'SubDB',90,N'yyyyyyyyyyyyyyy')}
2013-03-12 18:22:34.778 OLE DB Distributor 'xxxxxxxxxxx': {call sp_MShelp_profile (1, 4, N'')}
2013-03-12 18:22:34.778 Percent Complete: 0
2013-03-12 18:22:34.778 Connecting to OLE DB Publisher at datasource: 'xxxxxxxxxxx', location: '', catalog: 'PubDB', providerstring: '' using provider 'SQLNCLI10'
2013-03-12 18:22:34.778 Initializing
2013-03-12 18:22:34.778 OLE DB Distributor 'xxxxxxxxxxx': {call sys.sp_MSadd_merge_history90 (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)}
2013-03-12 18:22:34.778 Percent Complete: 0
2013-03-12 18:22:34.778 Connecting to Publisher 'xxxxxxxxxxx'
2013-03-12 18:22:34.778 OLE DB Distributor 'xxxxxxxxxxx': {call sys.sp_MSadd_merge_history90 (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)}
2013-03-12 18:22:34.778 OLE DB Publisher: xxxxxxxxxxx
DBMS: Microsoft SQL Server
Version: 10.50.1600
catalog name: PubDB
user name: dbo
API conformance: 0
SQL conformance: 0
transaction capable: 1
read only: F
identifier quote char: "
non_nullable_columns: 0
owner usage: 15
max table name len: 128
max column name len: 128
need long data len: 
max columns in table: 1000
max columns in index: 16
max char literal len: 131072
max statement len: 131072
max row size: 131072
2013-03-12 18:22:34.778 OLE DB Publisher 'xxxxxxxxxxx': set nocount on declare @dbname sysname select @dbname = db_name() declare @collation nvarchar(255) select @collation = convert(nvarchar(255), databasepropertyex(@dbname, N'COLLATION')) select collationproperty(@collation, N'CODEPAGE') as 'CodePage', collationproperty(@collation, N'LCID') as 'LCID', collationproperty(@collation, N'COMPARISONSTYLE') as 'ComparisonStyle',cast(case when convert (int,databasepropertyex (@dbname,'comparisonstyle')) & 0x1 = 0x1 then 0 else 1 end as bit) as DB_CaseSensitive,cast(case when convert (int,serverproperty ('comparisonstyle')) & 0x1 = 0x1 then 0 else 1 end as bit) as Server_CaseSensitive set nocount off
2013-03-12 18:22:34.778 OLE DB Publisher 'xxxxxxxxxxx': {call sp_MSgetversion }
2013-03-12 18:22:34.794 Connecting to OLE DB Publisher at datasource: 'xxxxxxxxxxx', location: '', catalog: 'PubDB', providerstring: '' using provider 'SQLNCLI10'
2013-03-12 18:22:34.794 OLE DB Publisher: xxxxxxxxxxx
DBMS: Microsoft SQL Server
Version: 10.50.1600
catalog name: PubDB
user name: dbo
API conformance: 0
SQL conformance: 0
transaction capable: 1
read only: F
identifier quote char: "
non_nullable_columns: 0
owner usage: 15
max table name len: 128
max column name len: 128
need long data len: 
max columns in table: 1000
max columns in index: 16
max char literal len: 131072
max statement len: 131072
max row size: 131072
2013-03-12 18:22:34.794 OLE DB Distributor 'xxxxxxxxxxx': {call sp_MShelp_repl_agent (N'xxxxxxxxxxx', N'PubDB', N'Pub', N'yyyyyyyyyyyyyyy', N'SubDB', 1)}
2013-03-12 18:22:34.794 Connecting to OLE DB Subscriber at datasource: 'yyyyyyyyyyyyyyy', location: '', catalog: 'SubDB', providerstring: '' using provider 'SQLNCLI10'
2013-03-12 18:22:35.075 OLE DB Subscriber: yyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
DBMS: Microsoft SQL Server
Version: 10.50.2550
catalog name: SubDB
user name: dbo
API conformance: 0
SQL conformance: 0
transaction capable: 1
read only: F
identifier quote char: "
non_nullable_columns: 0
owner usage: 15
max table name len: 128
max column name len: 128
need long data len: 
max columns in table: 1000
max columns in index: 16
max char literal len: 131072
max statement len: 131072
max row size: 131072
2013-03-12 18:22:35.262 OLE DB Subscriber 'yyyyyyyyyyyyyyy': {call sp_MSgetversion }
2013-03-12 18:22:35.355 OLE DB Subscriber 'yyyyyyyyyyyyyyy': set nocount on declare @dbname sysname select @dbname = db_name() declare @collation nvarchar(255) select @collation = convert(nvarchar(255), databasepropertyex(@dbname, N'COLLATION')) select collationproperty(@collation, N'CODEPAGE') as 'CodePage', collationproperty(@collation, N'LCID') as 'LCID', collationproperty(@collation, N'COMPARISONSTYLE') as 'ComparisonStyle',cast(case when convert (int,databasepropertyex (@dbname,'comparisonstyle')) & 0x1 = 0x1 then 0 else 1 end as bit) as DB_CaseSensitive,cast(case when convert (int,serverproperty ('comparisonstyle')) & 0x1 = 0x1 then 0 else 1 end as bit) as Server_CaseSensitive set nocount off
2013-03-12 18:22:35.433 Percent Complete: 0
2013-03-12 18:22:35.433 OLE DB Subscriber 'yyyyyyyyyyyyyyy': {call sys.sp_MSadd_merge_history90 (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)}
2013-03-12 18:22:35.433 Connecting to Subscriber 'yyyyyyyyyyyyyyy'
2013-03-12 18:22:35.433 OLE DB Distributor 'xxxxxxxxxxx': {call sys.sp_MSadd_merge_history90 (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)}
2013-03-12 18:22:35.496 Percent Complete: 0
2013-03-12 18:22:35.496 OLE DB Subscriber 'yyyyyyyyyyyyyyy': {call sys.sp_MSadd_merge_history90 (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)}
2013-03-12 18:22:35.496 Retrieving publication information
2013-03-12 18:22:35.496 OLE DB Distributor 'xxxxxxxxxxx': {call sys.sp_MSadd_merge_history90 (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)}
2013-03-12 18:22:35.543 Percent Complete: 0
2013-03-12 18:22:35.543 Retrieving subscription information.
2013-03-12 18:22:35.543 OLE DB Distributor 'xxxxxxxxxxx': {call sys.sp_MSadd_merge_history90 (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)}
2013-03-12 18:22:36.104 OLE DB Subscriber 'yyyyyyyyyyyyyyy': {call sys.sp_MSadd_merge_history90 (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)}
2013-03-12 18:22:36.167 Percent Complete: 0
2013-03-12 18:22:36.167 Uploading data changes to the Publisher
2013-03-12 18:22:36.167 OLE DB Distributor 'xxxxxxxxxxx': {call sys.sp_MSadd_merge_history90 (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)}
2013-03-12 18:22:36.401 OLE DB Subscriber 'yyyyyyyyyyyyyyy': {call sys.sp_MSadd_merge_history90 (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)}
2013-03-12 18:22:36.479 Percent Complete: 0
2013-03-12 18:22:36.479 OLE DB Subscriber 'yyyyyyyyyyyyyyy': {call sys.sp_MSadd_merge_history90 (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)}
2013-03-12 18:22:36.479 No data needed to be merged.
2013-03-12 18:22:36.479 OLE DB Distributor 'xxxxxxxxxxx': {call sys.sp_MSadd_merge_history90 (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)}
2013-03-12 18:22:36.525 Percent Complete: 0
2013-03-12 18:22:36.525 Downloading data changes to the Subscriber
2013-03-12 18:22:36.541 OLE DB Distributor 'xxxxxxxxxxx': {call sys.sp_MSadd_merge_history90 (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)}
2013-03-12 18:22:36.697 Connecting to OLE DB Publisher at datasource: 'xxxxxxxxxxx', location: '', catalog: 'PubDB', providerstring: '' using provider 'SQLNCLI10'
2013-03-12 18:22:36.713 OLE DB Publisher: xxxxxxxxxxx
DBMS: Microsoft SQL Server
Version: 10.50.1600
catalog name: PubDB
user name: dbo
API conformance: 0
SQL conformance: 0
transaction capable: 1
read only: F
identifier quote char: "
non_nullable_columns: 0
owner usage: 15
max table name len: 128
max column name len: 128
need long data len: 
max columns in table: 1000
max columns in index: 16
max char literal len: 131072
max statement len: 131072
max row size: 131072
2013-03-12 18:22:36.713 Connecting to OLE DB Subscriber at datasource: 'yyyyyyyyyyyyyyy', location: '', catalog: 'SubDB', providerstring: '' using provider 'SQLNCLI10'
2013-03-12 18:22:36.947 OLE DB Subscriber: yyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
DBMS: Microsoft SQL Server
Version: 10.50.2550
catalog name: SubDB
user name: dbo
API conformance: 0
SQL conformance: 0
transaction capable: 1
read only: F
identifier quote char: "
non_nullable_columns: 0
owner usage: 15
max table name len: 128
max column name len: 128
need long data len: 
max columns in table: 1000
max columns in index: 16
max char literal len: 131072
max statement len: 131072
max row size: 131072
2013-03-12 18:22:37.134 Connecting to OLE DB Publisher at datasource: 'xxxxxxxxxxx', location: '', catalog: 'PubDB', providerstring: '' using provider 'SQLNCLI10'
2013-03-12 18:22:37.134 OLE DB Publisher: xxxxxxxxxxx
DBMS: Microsoft SQL Server
Version: 10.50.1600
catalog name: PubDB
user name: dbo
API conformance: 0
SQL conformance: 0
transaction capable: 1
read only: F
identifier quote char: "
non_nullable_columns: 0
owner usage: 15
max table name len: 128
max column name len: 128
need long data len: 
max columns in table: 1000
max columns in index: 16
max char literal len: 131072
max statement len: 131072
max row size: 131072
2013-03-12 18:22:37.134 Connecting to OLE DB Subscriber at datasource: 'yyyyyyyyyyyyyyy', location: '', catalog: 'SubDB', providerstring: '' using provider 'SQLNCLI10'
2013-03-12 18:22:37.368 OLE DB Subscriber: yyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
DBMS: Microsoft SQL Server
Version: 10.50.2550
catalog name: SubDB
user name: dbo
API conformance: 0
SQL conformance: 0
transaction capable: 1
read only: F
identifier quote char: "
non_nullable_columns: 0
owner usage: 15
max table name len: 128
max column name len: 128
need long data len: 
max columns in table: 1000
max columns in index: 16
max char literal len: 131072
max statement len: 131072
max row size: 131072
2013-03-12 18:22:37.555 OLE DB Subscriber 'yyyyyyyyyyyyyyy': {call sys.sp_MSadd_merge_history90 (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)}
2013-03-12 18:22:37.617 OLE DB Subscriber 'yyyyyyyyyyyyyyy': {call sys.sp_MSadd_merge_history90 (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)}
2013-03-12 18:22:37.617 Percent Complete: 0
2013-03-12 18:22:37.617 Enumerating deletes in all articles
2013-03-12 18:22:37.617 OLE DB Distributor 'xxxxxxxxxxx': {call sys.sp_MSadd_merge_history90 (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)}
2013-03-12 18:22:37.680 Percent Complete: 0
2013-03-12 18:22:37.680 Enumerating inserts and updates in article 'Age'
2013-03-12 18:22:37.680 OLE DB Distributor 'xxxxxxxxxxx': {call sys.sp_MSadd_merge_history90 (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)}
2013-03-12 18:22:37.727 The merge process could not retrieve column information for table 'dbo.Age'. Verify that you have sufficient privileges on the database and retry the operation.
2013-03-12 18:22:37.727 The merge process could not retrieve column information for table 'dbo.Age'. Verify that you have sufficient privileges on the database and retry the operation.
2013-03-12 18:22:37.727 OLE DB Subscriber 'yyyyyyyyyyyyyyy': {call sys.sp_MSadd_merge_history90 (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)}
2013-03-12 18:22:37.805 Percent Complete: 0
2013-03-12 18:22:37.805 No data needed to be merged.
2013-03-12 18:22:37.805 OLE DB Distributor 'xxxxxxxxxxx': {call sys.sp_MSadd_merge_history90 (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)}
2013-03-12 18:22:37.805 OLE DB Subscriber 'yyyyyyyyyyyyyyy': {call sys.sp_MSadd_merge_history90 (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)}
2013-03-12 18:22:37.867 Percent Complete: 0
2013-03-12 18:22:37.867 The merge process could not retrieve column information for table 'dbo.Age'. Verify that you have sufficient privileges on the database and retry the operation.
2013-03-12 18:22:37.867 OLE DB Distributor 'xxxxxxxxxxx': {call sys.sp_MSadd_merge_history90 (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)}
2013-03-12 18:22:37.883 The Merge Agent was unable to update information about the last synchronization at the Subscriber. Ensure that the subscription exists at the Subscriber, and restart the Merge Agent. 
2013-03-12 18:22:37.883 Percent Complete: 0
2013-03-12 18:22:37.883 Category:NULL
Source:  Merge Replication Provider
Number:  -2147201016
Message: The merge process could not retrieve column information for table 'dbo.Age'. Verify that you have sufficient privileges on the database and retry the operation.
2013-03-12 18:22:37.883 Percent Complete: 0
2013-03-12 18:22:37.883 Category:SQLSERVER
Source:  yyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
Number:  2812
2013-03-12 18:22:34.731 Microsoft SQL Server Merge Agent 10.50.1600.1
2013-03-12 18:22:34.731 Copyright (c) 2008 Microsoft Corporation
2013-03-12 18:22:34.731 Microsoft SQL Server Replication Agent: replmerg
2013-03-12 18:22:34.731 
2013-03-12 18:22:34.731 The timestamps prepended to the output lines are expressed in terms of UTC time.
2013-03-12 18:22:34.731 User-specified agent parameter values:
-Publisher xxxxxxxxxxx
-PublisherDB PubDB
-Publication Pub
-Subscriber yyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
-SubscriberDB SubDB
-Distributor xxxxxxxxxxx
-DistributorSecurityMode 1
-Output c:\temp\MergeAgent.out
-XJOBID 0x2E51A08BFA488F498E56F300BF90C3C3
-XJOBNAME xxxxxxxxxxx-PubDB-Pub-yyyyyyyyyyyyyyy-1
-XSERVER xxxxxxxxxxx
-XCancelEventHandle 0000000000000970
-XParentProcessHandle 000000000000095C
2013-03-12 18:22:34.731 Percent Complete: 0
2013-03-12 18:22:34.731 Connecting to Distributor 'xxxxxxxxxxx'
2013-03-12 18:22:34.731 Connecting to OLE DB Distributor at datasource: 'xxxxxxxxxxx', location: '', catalog: '', providerstring: '' using provider 'SQLNCLI10'
2013-03-12 18:22:34.763 OLE DB Distributor: xxxxxxxxxxx
DBMS: Microsoft SQL Server
Version: 10.50.1600
catalog name: 
user name: dbo
API conformance: 0
SQL conformance: 0
transaction capable: 1
read only: F
identifier quote char: "
non_nullable_columns: 0
owner usage: 15
max table name len: 128
max column name len: 128
need long data len: 
max columns in table: 1000
max columns in index: 16
max char literal len: 131072
max statement len: 131072
max row size: 131072
2013-03-12 18:22:34.763 OLE DB Distributor 'xxxxxxxxxxx': {call sp_MSgetversion }
2013-03-12 18:22:34.763 OLE DB Distributor 'xxxxxxxxxxx': {call sp_helpdistpublisher (N'xxxxxxxxxxx') }
2013-03-12 18:22:34.763 OLE DB Distributor 'xxxxxxxxxxx': {call sp_MShelp_repl_agent (N'xxxxxxxxxxx', N'PubDB', N'Pub', N'yyyyyyyyyyyyyyy', N'SubDB', 1)}
2013-03-12 18:22:34.778 OLE DB Distributor 'xxxxxxxxxxx': select datasource, srvid from master..sysservers where upper(srvname) = upper(N'xxxxxxxxxxx')
2013-03-12 18:22:34.778 OLE DB Distributor 'xxxxxxxxxxx': {call sp_MShelp_merge_agentid (0,N'PubDB',N'Pub',null,N'SubDB',90,N'yyyyyyyyyyyyyyy')}
2013-03-12 18:22:34.778 OLE DB Distributor 'xxxxxxxxxxx': {call sp_MShelp_profile (1, 4, N'')}
2013-03-12 18:22:34.778 Percent Complete: 0
2013-03-12 18:22:34.778 Connecting to OLE DB Publisher at datasource: 'xxxxxxxxxxx', location: '', catalog: 'PubDB', providerstring: '' using provider 'SQLNCLI10'
2013-03-12 18:22:34.778 Initializing
2013-03-12 18:22:34.778 OLE DB Distributor 'xxxxxxxxxxx': {call sys.sp_MSadd_merge_history90 (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)}
2013-03-12 18:22:34.778 Percent Complete: 0
2013-03-12 18:22:34.778 Connecting to Publisher 'xxxxxxxxxxx'
2013-03-12 18:22:34.778 OLE DB Distributor 'xxxxxxxxxxx': {call sys.sp_MSadd_merge_history90 (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)}
2013-03-12 18:22:34.778 OLE DB Publisher: xxxxxxxxxxx
DBMS: Microsoft SQL Server
Version: 10.50.1600
catalog name: PubDB
user name: dbo
API conformance: 0
SQL conformance: 0
transaction capable: 1
read only: F
identifier quote char: "
non_nullable_columns: 0
owner usage: 15
max table name len: 128
max column name len: 128
need long data len: 
max columns in table: 1000
max columns in index: 16
max char literal len: 131072
max statement len: 131072
max row size: 131072
2013-03-12 18:22:34.778 OLE DB Publisher 'xxxxxxxxxxx': set nocount on declare @dbname sysname select @dbname = db_name() declare @collation nvarchar(255) select @collation = convert(nvarchar(255), databasepropertyex(@dbname, N'COLLATION')) select collationproperty(@collation, N'CODEPAGE') as 'CodePage', collationproperty(@collation, N'LCID') as 'LCID', collationproperty(@collation, N'COMPARISONSTYLE') as 'ComparisonStyle',cast(case when convert (int,databasepropertyex (@dbname,'comparisonstyle')) & 0x1 = 0x1 then 0 else 1 end as bit) as DB_CaseSensitive,cast(case when convert (int,serverproperty ('comparisonstyle')) & 0x1 = 0x1 then 0 else 1 end as bit) as Server_CaseSensitive set nocount off
2013-03-12 18:22:34.778 OLE DB Publisher 'xxxxxxxxxxx': {call sp_MSgetversion }
2013-03-12 18:22:34.794 Connecting to OLE DB Publisher at datasource: 'xxxxxxxxxxx', location: '', catalog: 'PubDB', providerstring: '' using provider 'SQLNCLI10'
2013-03-12 18:22:34.794 OLE DB Publisher: xxxxxxxxxxx
DBMS: Microsoft SQL Server
Version: 10.50.1600
catalog name: PubDB
user name: dbo
API conformance: 0
SQL conformance: 0
transaction capable: 1
read only: F
identifier quote char: "
non_nullable_columns: 0
owner usage: 15
max table name len: 128
max column name len: 128
need long data len: 
max columns in table: 1000
max columns in index: 16
max char literal len: 131072
max statement len: 131072
max row size: 131072
2013-03-12 18:22:34.794 OLE DB Distributor 'xxxxxxxxxxx': {call sp_MShelp_repl_agent (N'xxxxxxxxxxx', N'PubDB', N'Pub', N'yyyyyyyyyyyyyyy', N'SubDB', 1)}
2013-03-12 18:22:34.794 Connecting to OLE DB Subscriber at datasource: 'yyyyyyyyyyyyyyy', location: '', catalog: 'SubDB', providerstring: '' using provider 'SQLNCLI10'
2013-03-12 18:22:35.075 OLE DB Subscriber: yyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
DBMS: Microsoft SQL Server
Version: 10.50.2550
catalog name: SubDB
user name: dbo
API conformance: 0
SQL conformance: 0
transaction capable: 1
read only: F
identifier quote char: "
non_nullable_columns: 0
owner usage: 15
max table name len: 128
max column name len: 128
need long data len: 
max columns in table: 1000
max columns in index: 16
max char literal len: 131072
max statement len: 131072
max row size: 131072
2013-03-12 18:22:35.262 OLE DB Subscriber 'yyyyyyyyyyyyyyy': {call sp_MSgetversion }
2013-03-12 18:22:35.355 OLE DB Subscriber 'yyyyyyyyyyyyyyy': set nocount on declare @dbname sysname select @dbname = db_name() declare @collation nvarchar(255) select @collation = convert(nvarchar(255), databasepropertyex(@dbname, N'COLLATION')) select collationproperty(@collation, N'CODEPAGE') as 'CodePage', collationproperty(@collation, N'LCID') as 'LCID', collationproperty(@collation, N'COMPARISONSTYLE') as 'ComparisonStyle',cast(case when convert (int,databasepropertyex (@dbname,'comparisonstyle')) & 0x1 = 0x1 then 0 else 1 end as bit) as DB_CaseSensitive,cast(case when convert (int,serverproperty ('comparisonstyle')) & 0x1 = 0x1 then 0 else 1 end as bit) as Server_CaseSensitive set nocount off
2013-03-12 18:22:35.433 Percent Complete: 0
2013-03-12 18:22:35.433 OLE DB Subscriber 'yyyyyyyyyyyyyyy': {call sys.sp_MSadd_merge_history90 (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)}
2013-03-12 18:22:35.433 Connecting to Subscriber 'yyyyyyyyyyyyyyy'
2013-03-12 18:22:35.433 OLE DB Distributor 'xxxxxxxxxxx': {call sys.sp_MSadd_merge_history90 (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)}
2013-03-12 18:22:35.496 Percent Complete: 0
2013-03-12 18:22:35.496 OLE DB Subscriber 'yyyyyyyyyyyyyyy': {call sys.sp_MSadd_merge_history90 (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)}
2013-03-12 18:22:35.496 Retrieving publication information
2013-03-12 18:22:35.496 OLE DB Distributor 'xxxxxxxxxxx': {call sys.sp_MSadd_merge_history90 (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)}
2013-03-12 18:22:35.543 Percent Complete: 0
2013-03-12 18:22:35.543 Retrieving subscription information.
2013-03-12 18:22:35.543 OLE DB Distributor 'xxxxxxxxxxx': {call sys.sp_MSadd_merge_history90 (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)}
2013-03-12 18:22:36.104 OLE DB Subscriber 'yyyyyyyyyyyyyyy': {call sys.sp_MSadd_merge_history90 (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)}
2013-03-12 18:22:36.167 Percent Complete: 0
2013-03-12 18:22:36.167 Uploading data changes to the Publisher
2013-03-12 18:22:36.167 OLE DB Distributor 'xxxxxxxxxxx': {call sys.sp_MSadd_merge_history90 (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)}
2013-03-12 18:22:36.401 OLE DB Subscriber 'yyyyyyyyyyyyyyy': {call sys.sp_MSadd_merge_history90 (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)}
2013-03-12 18:22:36.479 Percent Complete: 0
2013-03-12 18:22:36.479 OLE DB Subscriber 'yyyyyyyyyyyyyyy': {call sys.sp_MSadd_merge_history90 (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)}
2013-03-12 18:22:36.479 No data needed to be merged.
2013-03-12 18:22:36.479 OLE DB Distributor 'xxxxxxxxxxx': {call sys.sp_MSadd_merge_history90 (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)}
2013-03-12 18:22:36.525 Percent Complete: 0
2013-03-12 18:22:36.525 Downloading data changes to the Subscriber
2013-03-12 18:22:36.541 OLE DB Distributor 'xxxxxxxxxxx': {call sys.sp_MSadd_merge_history90 (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)}
2013-03-12 18:22:36.697 Connecting to OLE DB Publisher at datasource: 'xxxxxxxxxxx', location: '', catalog: 'PubDB', providerstring: '' using provider 'SQLNCLI10'
2013-03-12 18:22:36.713 OLE DB Publisher: xxxxxxxxxxx
DBMS: Microsoft SQL Server
Version: 10.50.1600
catalog name: PubDB
user name: dbo
API conformance: 0
SQL conformance: 0
transaction capable: 1
read only: F
identifier quote char: "
non_nullable_columns: 0
owner usage: 15
max table name len: 128
max column name len: 128
need long data len: 
max columns in table: 1000
max columns in index: 16
max char literal len: 131072
max statement len: 131072
max row size: 131072
2013-03-12 18:22:36.713 Connecting to OLE DB Subscriber at datasource: 'yyyyyyyyyyyyyyy', location: '', catalog: 'SubDB', providerstring: '' using provider 'SQLNCLI10'
2013-03-12 18:22:36.947 OLE DB Subscriber: yyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
DBMS: Microsoft SQL Server
Version: 10.50.2550
catalog name: SubDB
user name: dbo
API conformance: 0
SQL conformance: 0
transaction capable: 1
read only: F
identifier quote char: "
non_nullable_columns: 0
owner usage: 15
max table name len: 128
max column name len: 128
need long data len: 
max columns in table: 1000
max columns in index: 16
max char literal len: 131072
max statement len: 131072
max row size: 131072
2013-03-12 18:22:37.134 Connecting to OLE DB Publisher at datasource: 'xxxxxxxxxxx', location: '', catalog: 'PubDB', providerstring: '' using provider 'SQLNCLI10'
2013-03-12 18:22:37.134 OLE DB Publisher: xxxxxxxxxxx
DBMS: Microsoft SQL Server
Version: 10.50.1600
catalog name: PubDB
user name: dbo
API conformance: 0
SQL conformance: 0
transaction capable: 1
read only: F
identifier quote char: "
non_nullable_columns: 0
owner usage: 15
max table name len: 128
max column name len: 128
need long data len: 
max columns in table: 1000
max columns in index: 16
max char literal len: 131072
max statement len: 131072
max row size: 131072
2013-03-12 18:22:37.134 Connecting to OLE DB Subscriber at datasource: 'yyyyyyyyyyyyyyy', location: '', catalog: 'SubDB', providerstring: '' using provider 'SQLNCLI10'
2013-03-12 18:22:37.368 OLE DB Subscriber: yyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
DBMS: Microsoft SQL Server
Version: 10.50.2550
catalog name: SubDB
user name: dbo
API conformance: 0
SQL conformance: 0
transaction capable: 1
read only: F
identifier quote char: "
non_nullable_columns: 0
owner usage: 15
max table name len: 128
max column name len: 128
need long data len: 
max columns in table: 1000
max columns in index: 16
max char literal len: 131072
max statement len: 131072
max row size: 131072
2013-03-12 18:22:37.555 OLE DB Subscriber 'yyyyyyyyyyyyyyy': {call sys.sp_MSadd_merge_history90 (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)}
2013-03-12 18:22:37.617 OLE DB Subscriber 'yyyyyyyyyyyyyyy': {call sys.sp_MSadd_merge_history90 (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)}
2013-03-12 18:22:37.617 Percent Complete: 0
2013-03-12 18:22:37.617 Enumerating deletes in all articles
2013-03-12 18:22:37.617 OLE DB Distributor 'xxxxxxxxxxx': {call sys.sp_MSadd_merge_history90 (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)}
2013-03-12 18:22:37.680 Percent Complete: 0
2013-03-12 18:22:37.680 Enumerating inserts and updates in article 'Age'
2013-03-12 18:22:37.680 OLE DB Distributor 'xxxxxxxxxxx': {call sys.sp_MSadd_merge_history90 (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)}
2013-03-12 18:22:37.727 The merge process could not retrieve column information for table 'dbo.Age'. Verify that you have sufficient privileges on the database and retry the operation.
2013-03-12 18:22:37.727 The merge process could not retrieve column information for table 'dbo.Age'. Verify that you have sufficient privileges on the database and retry the operation.
2013-03-12 18:22:37.727 OLE DB Subscriber 'yyyyyyyyyyyyyyy': {call sys.sp_MSadd_merge_history90 (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)}
2013-03-12 18:22:37.805 Percent Complete: 0
2013-03-12 18:22:37.805 No data needed to be merged.
2013-03-12 18:22:37.805 OLE DB Distributor 'xxxxxxxxxxx': {call sys.sp_MSadd_merge_history90 (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)}
2013-03-12 18:22:37.805 OLE DB Subscriber 'yyyyyyyyyyyyyyy': {call sys.sp_MSadd_merge_history90 (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)}
2013-03-12 18:22:37.867 Percent Complete: 0
2013-03-12 18:22:37.867 The merge process could not retrieve column information for table 'dbo.Age'. Verify that you have sufficient privileges on the database and retry the operation.
2013-03-12 18:22:37.867 OLE DB Distributor 'xxxxxxxxxxx': {call sys.sp_MSadd_merge_history90 (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)}
2013-03-12 18:22:37.883 The Merge Agent was unable to update information about the last synchronization at the Subscriber. Ensure that the subscription exists at the Subscriber, and restart the Merge Agent. 
2013-03-12 18:22:37.883 Percent Complete: 0
2013-03-12 18:22:37.883 Category:NULL
Source:  Merge Replication Provider
Number:  -2147201016
Message: The merge process could not retrieve column information for table 'dbo.Age'. Verify that you have sufficient privileges on the database and retry the operation.
2013-03-12 18:22:37.883 Percent Complete: 0
2013-03-12 18:22:37.883 Category:SQLSERVER
Source:  yyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
Number:  2812
Message: Could not find stored procedure 'dbo.MSmerge_sel_sp_C60458B6A7FA43462DB27C5C9D7B4F8A'.
2013-03-12 18:22:37.883 The Merge Agent was unable to update information about the last synchronization at the Subscriber. Ensure that the subscription exists at the Subscriber, and restart the Merge Agent. 
2013-03-12 18:22:37.883 The merge process was unable to update last synchronization information at the Publisher.

Merge replication SQL Server 2008 R2 instance, and multiple SQL CE 3.5 subscribers.


i have a  merge replication between SQL Server 2008 R2 instance, and multiple SQL CE 3.5,which was working fine,suddenly it stopped working and throwing the error message "A Subscriber Row failed to apply at the publisher"

Anyone can help me out to figure out why this error message occurs



Why are error files accumulating in C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\COM\


The C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\COM\ directory on some subscriber servers is filling with .err files over time - some are 0.5 GB.

The files are named in the format [Publisher]-[Publication]-[Subscriber]-UniqueIdentifier.err

Are we supposed to manually delete these files? Is there a way of ensuring they write to a different drive?

Running 2008 R2 SP2.

Upgrading SQL Server 2008 Instances with replication to SP3


I have three servers SQL Servers involved in replication.  

  • The publisher is SQL ENT. 2008 SP2.  
  • The distributor is SQL ENT. 2008 SP2.  
  • The subscriber, (also a publisher) is SQL 2008 Ent. SP3.
  • Hundreds of publications are invloved.

I want to upgrade the publisher and distributor to SP3.

Is there any specific order that the upgrade should be done ?

Are there any specific recommendations for upgrading servers involved in replicaton ?

Thanks Steve B.

No se encuentra el archivo .cab


Buen día, me estoy conectando por una red dedicada punto a punto desde un Servidor SQL Server 2005 a otro Servidor SQL Server 2005, está configurada la publicación snapshot en la intranet y funciona con otro servidor de pruebas, pero cuando intento subscribirme desde la red dedicada tengo un inconveniente

"Código de mensaje del agente 20148. No se encuentra el archivo .cab "snapshot.cab" en la carpeta <Directorio del servidor que publica donde se encuentra la snapshot>"

La carpeta donde se almacena la diapositiva tiene permisos para leer a todos

Por favor su ayuda

sp_addarticle SQL Server 2008R2 Standard Edition


I am trying to create a publication and add an article to the publication. The publication part runs fine however; when adding a the article I get the following error. "Msg 207, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_MSrepl_addarticle, Line 2355 Invalid column name 'objid'", I have looked at the table I am trying to replicate and there is not a column named 'objid' so I am assuming it is comming from the sp_MSrepl_addarticle stored proc, but I can't find that sp anywhere.

Can someone please help me with this problem. Here is my script

dynamic snapshot job in sql 2008 merge replication


is any real peformance increase if we use dynamic snapshot jobs in sql 2008 merge replication?

what i found is it helped very well with sql 2000.

how do i know if i need to setup dynamic snapshot jobs

Thanks for your suggestions..

Publisher and Subscriber in the same db for the same Publication?


Can one database be a publisher and subscriber for the same Publication (Transactional or Merge)?

I would like to create a filtered publication for a table and create a clone table that would only get a subset of data from the original table in the same database.

Thank you.

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